Intuitive Reiki

Awaken your mind, body and spirit with the healing art of Reiki. Rediscover and understand your true self and come into balance energetically.



  • Are you ill, in pain, or in distress?
  • Are you feeling low or anxious?
  • Does everything feel too much?
  • Need to recharge and have peace of mind?


Reiki Can Help
Rei = universal life force and ki = energy.

When our energy levels are low we struggle with stress and sickness. Traditional Usui reiki is a non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful method of healing that originates from Japan. Reiki is administered by laying on of hands and balances out the energy flow in the body, healing the body, mind, spirit and emotions.  Any traumas or past hurts can be released to allow for abundance, harmony, love and success to manifest. I incorporate different techniques to suit the individual including positive intentions, invocations, healing guides, chakra balancing, releasing energetic sabotages and implants, soul retrieval, aura strengthening, psychic surgery and letting go of unhealthy attachments.  Reiki is channelled during a treatment, restoring physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing naturally and alleviating pain.  Clients typically experience a lasting sense of harmony, security, peace and wellbeing, which boosts immunity and helps clients to overcome challenges.  Reiki also enhances the body’s natural healing ability and works well as a complimentary therapy to any medicine.  Everyone benefits from having a Reiki session and for those who cannot make a session in person, distance healing can be sent and works just as well.


Distance Reiki

You do NOT need to be physically present to have a Reiki session.  The energy work operates outside the physical parameters of space and time on the astral plane. During this session, I channel and the messages that come up during your session will be recorded and sent to you. This will be yours forever and may have some insights to work on to help you through whatever you are going through in your life. These sessions have proven themselves to be quite powerful as you just relax and receive, there is nothing more to do.  Reiki is a high vibrational energy force that assists in moving the body out of “fight or flight” and into “rest and restore” mode, setting the body up for continued healing on its own.  Clients report feeling more patient, calmer, less anxious, in less pain and having an overall sense of connectedness.  The way that we experience space and time is not how space and time exist. We live in a linear timeline, transcending space and time with reiki. You can love and care for someone oceans away. You can feel that person’s energy even if they’re not in front of you.

Additional information


Reiki, Meliae Intuitive Healing, Distance Reiki with Recording


30 mins, 60 mins


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