Being A Better Healer


I am honoured to have attuned hundreds of reiki channels over the last few years, many of whom are working professionally as practitioners and teachers in Australia and internationally, it’s such a delight to see!  I am passionate about helping therapists become not only good, but exceptional. Research by the National Library of Medicine has validated that getting attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master is not only  relaxing, but leads to a quantifiable increase in healing ability.  It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, as measured by reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Here are some ways I give clients reassurance they have arrived at a safe space to be open up about their healing journey:


  1. Stay Vulnerable

Being honest and open allows us to connect with people.  None of us are perfect!  Unfortunately, being a healer hasn’t made me clear of all karma, and once one lesson is learnt, I brace myself for the up-coming next one! Rather than possessing our truth, we should let it possess us. When we are too closed-off and rigid, our truth is going to elude us forever. To discover our truth, we need to become more vulnerable. This takes courage, but it’s the courage that transforms us from a victim to a warrior.  Being humble doesn’t mean to think less of yourself, it actually means to think of yourself less.

  1. It’s OK to be Odd!

The ego says that differences are flaws that should be hidden.  But what makes you weird is actually your super-power.  Be strange and uncanny. Use humour to laugh at your misfortunes and your quirks to make you unique. In a world where conformity is the easiest option, authenticity is in high demand!  Deep down everyone desires this, but they don’t like to be the first one.  Be weird and give everyone permission to do the same.    Rules can be broken to make way for better ones. The world needs more spiritual gangsters to shine their perfectly imperfect lights. And besides, it’s good for your health not to compare yourself to others.


  1. Get in Touch with Your Shadow

Everything that irritates us about others leads us to an understanding of ourselves. The shadow is the “dark side” of our personality because it consists of primitive, negative human emotions and impulses like anger, jealousy, greed, selfishness, temptation, superficiality and power.  It’s not a popular topic!  Who wants to think about their own nastiness, right?  All we deny in ourselves—whatever we think of as inferior, evil, or unacceptable—become part of the shadow and these parts of our personality are repressed.  When we deny these feelings, we see them in others.  Self awareness, meditation and being courageously honest are good ways of embracing our shadow and understanding how it keeps us whole. Don’t deny your shadow, reconcile with it.  Other ways to increase your prestige as a healer are to:


  • Actively listen
  • Validate
  • Communicate effectively
  • Want what is best for the client
  • Know your stuff and ‘walk the talk’
  • Practice confidentiality
  • Challenge respectfully when it’s appropriate
  • Offer solutions
  • Be open and mindful
  • Let the client be the author of their own story


If you would like to become a reiki channel and heal yourself so you can go on to heal others, I regularly host workshops in Bayside, Melbourne.  Please click here for more information:

